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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 34% | Distinguished Reading: 24% | Proficient Math: 43% | Distinguished Math: 8%

iLearn Pulaski (NTI) Information

What is iLearnPulaski?
iLearnPulaski is a detailed plan on how instruction will be delivered to ALL students when school is closed due to health or safety concerns. The plan calls for teachers to deliver content digitally, but also makes allowances for those students who may not have ready access to the technology resources necessary for this type of learning.  You can find additional information about non-traditional instructional plans on the KDE website at 

All lessons are titled iLearn lessons with a number to indicate the day, i.e. iLearn1, iLearn2, etc.  When school is cancelled and the district decides to utilize a iLearnPulaski Day the announcement will include instructions such as "complete iLearn Day 1 lessons".   The students are expected to participate in any Google Meets scheduled by the teachers and to complete and turn in all assignments. 

 iLearnPulaski Day Assignments:  All assignments will be posted to Google Classroom.

Login Directions:
- Go to
- Username is the student email address:
- Password is the student network password

*If you cannot login to Google Classroom, please contact your school or email Teresa Nicholas at 

Burnside Elementary School:  606-561-4250
Eubank Elementary School:  606-379-2712

Memorial Education Center: 606-678-4100
Nancy Elementary School:  606-636-6338
Northern Elementary School:  606-423-1040
Northern Middle School:  606-678-5230
Oak Hill Elementary School:  606-679-2014
Pulaski County Area Technology Center:  606-678-2998
Pulaski County High School:  606-679-1574
Pulaski Day Treatment:  606-679-1303
Pulaski Elementary School:  606-678-4713
Shopville Elementary School:  606-274-4411
Southern Elementary School:  606-678-5229
Southern Middle School:  606-679-6855
Southwestern High School:  606-678-9000